The lovely item for sale above is a handmade Arrr Matey Truffle Magnet - only $ 8.00 plus shipping! This was from their "Geekery" category, but they have a wide variety of craft areas represented from jewelry to woodworking. All the items for sale on etsy are completely handmade - what a great idea for crafters who need a salesroom without the overhead. It only costs $.20 to list each item plus a commission of 3.5% if sold, plus any fees associated with PayPal.
I was surprised to see that their idea of handmade also includes books, vintage items such as sewing and knitting patterns and a few antiques. I can see how school organizations could use this site for fundraising purposes, as long as they could keep up with the orders.
Ning is great! - I used it last summer for a course on Wikis through Simmons College so I already had an account. Again, I got totally immersed with all of the Nings that are out there to join. I selected the Dead Fred Genealogy Photo Archive http://deadfredgenealogy.ning.com/ because I've uncovered a few mysterious photos of unknown family members. I was intrigued with the concept of posting pictures of these people in the hopes that someone out there could identify them. Talk about a needle in a haystack - I guess I like to believe in impossible things - like the Giants winning the Superbowl. Wait! That was real!!! Okay, I digress...
On to playing with the Travel IQ - I surprised myself at how far I got, but bummed out when I was so far off the target for a few of them. With practice I'm sure I'll do better. What a great site for practicing geography skills.
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