Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thing #9 (Week 4) Locate a few useful School Library related blogs and news feeds

I'm still having a brain freeze on how to add RSS feeds for blogs without having a Bloglines account. I went to Google Blog search and found the class blog and was able to add it as a feed, but not to have it show up with my other feeds on my Google desktop.
I can see the usefulness of keeping up with blogs since they might be more newsworthy as opposed to websites, that is if I can figure out to do it. I found several interesting school library blogs, especially those from LM-NET, although with just so many hours in a day, keeping up with RSS feeds might end up being as time consuming as checking bookmarks.

1 comment:

LibraryStrong said...

Yes, I'm still trying to decide if RSS feeds are a huge improvement over checking bookmarked sites. I think that if it's a site that has new posts daily, you may as well go to your bookmarked site. If it's a site that only posts occasionally, like the posters in this class, then it's worth having the RSS feed let you know that something has been posted. It saves you checking everything every day.