Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Things 3 & 4 (Week 2) Create & register your own blog & avatar

Well, I found that it wasn't very difficult to create my blog with Blogger as I already have a Gmail account and didn't have to remember yet another password. This was a big plus for me. And I enjoyed selecting my personal avatar at This was also very simple since I have another e-mail account with Yahoo (yeah! no new password). I would've liked more options to go along with my hornetlady handle though. I found that I had to alter the directions slightly in order to add it to my blog but I got through it okay. I've registered the blog and am anxiously awaiting a message from my cheerleader.
I've never blogged before, but at least one teacher at my school has. She set up a blog for her students to communicate with her while she was on a teacher exchange in England. Her students posted to her blog in the library and I was surprised at how many students weren't all that familiar with it. We just assume that teens are experts at all things digital, but it's not always the case.
As I mentioned in my last post, I'm planning to invite my colleagues at McCann Tech to follow my progress and learn along with me. I sent them the following e-mail:

FYI…I’m the 2nd week of a course I’m taking for professional development called “School Library Learning 2.0” and thought I’d invite others at McCann to come along for the ride as I learn more about the emerging Web 2.0 technologies. These are the same internet technologies (Podcasts, Flickr, RSS Feeds, etc.) that our students are already using and we’re all just trying to play catch-up! It’s always good to be ahead of the curve, or at least close behind…
The course will take me through “23 things” or activities designed to give me hands-on exposure to a variety of new stuff. As I finish each “thing”, I’ll post the results of the experience on my personal blog (Blogging was the Week 2/Thing #3 assignment). To follow my progress go to Yes, I’m the hornet lady – take a look at my avatar (if it isn’t blocked)…
Feel free to add comments to my blog, especially any ideas for classroom collaboration that these “things” generate for you. Who knows where this journey might lead?

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